
  • Boyt Secure Vault 33013 Manual Transfer
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 20. 07:41

    Full text of ' ^ '^^o^ ■ft w. ■^.■ ^' MmC/%.

    ■. '^^^ '^ ^ ^ 0^ '^^ 0^ -' ■a ^o-% ^ v.,;% C, ■^ «,k -. V!^.0^ ^ rO'^ s ^ '^ ' ^ ■^ #^ ■ 0' ^. ^^0^ ^o^ =; ^^ i A t, ^ -^^0^ iQ 1^ G^. 12, 1943; I 31965, 31966, Moore dry kiln co, 457 Moore-kiln recorder chart 0401.

    6, 1943; I 31967. CLASSES H-K no. 1, 1943 N 624 Muhlenberg press. Meaning of the manger. 9, 1942; K Mulford (Louis K.) 459-519 Bow Lake, Canada, 1-11.

    Bow River, Mt. Rundle, 1, 2. Louise (Lake ) Canada, 35-55. Marie (Lake ) Snowy Range, Wyo., 1-3. Mary's Lake G.N. Park, Mont., 1-3. O'Hara (Laks) Canada, 1-9.

    Sheep, Snowy Range, Wyo. Waterton Lakes, Canada, 1-11.

    24, 1942; J 7. ' Murphy (Thos. 520-564 Action on two fronts; by Hy. John Henry Hintermeister.

    America delivers; by Anton Otto Fischer. American kneels only to his God. Blest be the tie that binds. Blowing bubbles.

    Call of the open road. Come on men, do you want to live forever? - Cutting the melon. Don't give up the ship. Hold everything; by Hy. John Henry Hintermeister. Hold the front for I am coming.

    Home defense. How's this? - I tiave not yet beg^un to fight. I regret that I have but one life to give for my country.

    Indian love call; by C. Learning by doing. Light and color. Love in a cottage. Man behind the man behind the gun. Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute.

    Our mission is to bold this position at all costs, no faUing back. Photo finish; by John Henry Hinter- meister. praise God and pass the ammunition. Ready for that perfect shot; by A.

    Rein- forcements on the way; by Stuart. Right or wrong, my country.See my secretary; by Art Frahui. Semper fidelis, always faithful. Send us more Japs. Signing the Declaration of Independence.

    South American way; by Jules Erblt. There'll always be an England. United we stand. Victory girl.

    Waiting for you. We have met the enemy and they are ours. Where's my man? 28, 1942; K 7, 52350. Mi3lc masters gallery. 565-567 Bonime Qoseph): Beethoven (Ludwig van) 1770-1827, facsimile of original manuscript of his last Sonata for piano, opus m.

    Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus) 1755-1791, facsimile of page of original manuscript of his Sonata in C major for violin and piano, second movement. Schubert (Franz) 1 797-1828, facsimile of page of original manuscript of the Unfinished Symphony.

    3, 1942; K 3. National ptg. 568-575 Christmas eve, 59-A, 408. Greetings, 50-A, 401, 404, 407. Joyful Christmas, 58-A.

    Merry Christmas, P-4. 4, 1942; K 9. Nelson (Milton A.) Great Mormon temple. 1, 1942; J 35007.

    North (Mack O.) North's turkey-type caliper. 577 9, 1942; I North American aviation, inc. 578 Killing time is killing men; by Reynold Brown. 26, 1943; K 52437. Northern pump co. 579-582 Grant (Gordon) U. S.: Chester (Cruiser) - Gridley (Destroyer ) - Hornet (Aircraft carrier ) - Pennsylvania (Battle - ship) © Dec.

    21, 1942; K 2, 52328. Oerter Oohn W.) & Oerter (Robert N.) sf.

    583 Reading device and improvements. 21, 1943; I 31991. 584-606 America the beautiful; by Grif i.

    Griffith H. TeUer. And the Star Spangled Banner in tri- umph shall wave; by C.

    Busy line; by William T. Champions; by Arthur D. Dave's done it again; by Hy. John Henry Hintermeister. Duty, honor, coimtry, Washington plans the United States military academy at West Point; by Hy. John Henry Hintermeister. Enduring through the years; by Ernest Lindeck.

    Eternal vigilance, the price of liberty; by Robert A. Faithful service through the years; by Grif i.e. Griffith H. Teller. Highway to lib- erty; by Walter de Maris.

    Home on leave; by Harold Anderson. Home on the' range; by Charles J. Howdy, sailor; by Walt Otto. I'm waiting for you; by Alfred Buell. Land we love; by Grif i.e.

    Griffith H. TeUer. Let's be friends; by Rolf Armstrong. Natural Bridge, Rockbridge County, Va.; by J. On guard; by Hy. John Henry Hintermeister. Onward to vic- tory; by Fred J.

    Ours to love, ours to protect; by Maud Tousey Fangel. Rolling for victory; by Annie Benson Muller.

    Song of the old mill wheel; by £. Those good old days are here again; by Richard Lorenz. 28, 1942; K 6. Pfaltzgraff (Pearlie V.) 607, 608 American mother's bleeding heart quilt.

    1, 1942; K 52166. Mothers of America rug. 19, 1942; J 35008. Pittsburgh steel co.

    609 Collapse data chart for Pittsburgh special and API casing chart, 317. 17, 1942; I 32087. Polito (Salvatore) 610 Mother and chUd. 24, 1942; J 35011.

    Pomeroy (Andrew) 611 Electrical guide © 1 c. 29, 1943; I 32082. Ponsford (Charles A.) 612 Copyholder & reversible stenographer's aid. 29, 1942; I 31971.

    613-624 Hey I That's my name. High tide and torpedoes can't stop the mail for. High time somebody wuz tossin' a line to. High-hol Here's a letter for. On the lookout for.

    Shoot some ink this way for. 10, 1942; K 6. Hi - folks, here's that overdue mail for.

    I won't let my sweetheart down, here's one for. I'm writing this while scrubbing the admiral's deck, pal. Many t'anks - folks, for the mail, and here s one for. Mess sarge aln t lookin' pal, so here's one for. Your letter wuza life-saver, sweetheart, so here's one for.

    Boyt secure vault 33013 manual transfer case

    25, 1942; K 52382- 52387. CATALOG OF COPYMGHT ENTRIES 625 pt. 38 Powell (Howard E.) 625 Vest pocket fountain pen filler.

    8, 1943; I 31958. Providence lithograph co. 626-628 David plays for Jonathan; by G. Paterson Love.

    God's gift of food; by Cicely Barker, - Helping a friend; by Coleman. 22, 1943; K 52392- 52394; Publication corp. 629-640 Bannister (Constance): Let's be buddies. Little Miss Lovely. 30, 1942; K 52336, 52338. Blushing maidens; by Paula Morse. Brown eyes, so blue; by Mead Maddick Lownds.

    Roses are red; by Carl R. Symphony in yellow; by Frederick W. 30, 1942; K 52333, 52335, 52339, 52340. Fagans (Lester): Bell P-30 Airacobra.

    Boeing B-17-E-K Flying fortress. Lockheed P-38 Lightning. North American B-25 medium bomber. 30, 1942; K 2.

    Hesse (Otto): Catnip dreams. Lady of the lake. 30, 1942; K 52334, 52337. 641-645 Help reduce that number of office forms. 19, 1943; K 52439. Junk is expensive.

    Suggestion winners that rang the bell. 26, 1943; K 52438, 52440. One step saved, means increased efficiency and less fatigue.

    2, 1943; K 52441. Over $60,000.00 has been paid out in awards for suggestions. 5, 1943; K 52442. Purina mills. 646 From chicks to $ $ $.

    30, 1943; J 35100. Quaker state lithographing co., inc. 647-650 Peterson (Roger Tory): Dogwood time, 106. Gay trio, 105. In the summer breeze, 103. Magnolia time, 102. 4, 1942; K 6.

    School commando's course. 8, 1&43; K Ray (Lee G.) 652 Tandem plane with Diesel-electric arrangement. 8, 1943; I 31947. Reid (Donald) 653 Medicine spoon. 29, 1942; I 31970. Rigaumont (Victor A.) 654 Motion picture theatre proposed to be erected in Western Pennsylvania, design 942. 29,1943; I 32084.

    Rood (Ray R.) 655 Ray R. Rood pipe number I corncob. Corncob pipe © 1 c.

    29, 1942; I 31969. Schettler (Amanda) 656-660 Duke. 12, 1942; J 35078.Quaint friendship.

    28, 1942; J 6. Schmitz (Charles) 661 My sweetheart is fighting with United States armed forces. 15, 1943; K 52412. Scholnik (Nathan) 662 Toast to victory. 3, 1943; J 35111. Scriptures visualized institute. 663 Backyard explorations.

    1, 1942; J 35013. 664, 665 America gives him opportunity. 25, 1942; K 52164.

    8, 1943; K 52399. George) 666 Dental acrylics. 22, 1943; I 31985.

    Society for the propagation of the faith. 667 God is our refuge and strength; by J. Watson Davis, © Jan. 2, 1943; K 52165. Success portrait co. 668 Inspiration by Stone. 20, 1942; K 52342.

    Sullivan (Bernard C.) 669 Electrochemical processing of aluminum oxide from clay. 9, 1943; I 31943.

    Suokko (Fritz) 670 Jumping rope. 8, 1943; I 31957. 671 Stick to the standards. Tagliabue (C. Co, 672-676 Tag chart, 150° C-O-50-IR. 25, 1943; I 32076.

    160-140-PT, 250-0-50-00, 400° C-IOO-IR, © Dec. 24, 1942; I 1. 28, 1942; I 31938. Teich (Curt) & co., inc, 677-680 Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, University of Illi- nois, 1B891-N. 15, 1942; K 52303, Greetingsfrom Kansas City, Missouri, 1B-H2514, © Apr. 7, 1942; K 52307.

    Greetings from Shawano, Wisconsin, 2B-H60. 17, 1942; K 52302.

    Portion of the Floor of Fame, Grauman's Chi- nese Theatre, 1B-H2166. 7, 1942; K 52309. Templeman (E. B.) 681 On patrol. 2, 1943; J 351^^, Thompson (Arthur S,) 682 Bumper and license plate holder, and improve- ments. 8, 1943; I 31950. Trimble (Arthur G.) 683 Wesley (John) © Jan.

    11, 1943; J 35082. Van Derhoff (Bern M.) 684 Gear shifting mechanism, © 1 c.

    8, 1943; I 31946. Walsh (Robert Arthur) 685 Universal sketch sheet.

    23, 1942; I 31928. 10 CLASSES H-K no.

    1, 1943 696 Webster (Joseph B.) 686, 687 Side propeller arrangement for ships. Steam generator.

    8, 1«3; 1 31952, 31953. Williams (Harward) 688-693 Duff (Walter R.): Ageratums and chrysanthemums. Iris, daffodils and leucocoryne. Lilies and canterbury bells. Petunias, foxgloves and morning glories. Peoples and daisies. Roses, delphiniums and phaceUa.

    27, 1941; K 9. Wood (Ray) 694 Wood's special square grip drumstick. 21, 1943; I 31986. Worden (Helen) 695 What are your lucky days. 1, 1943; I 32085. Zegarelli (Joseph) 696 Peace with victory. 26, 1942; K 52313.

    Number of entries in classes H-K included in the Catalog since Jan. 1, 1943: Reproductions of works of art (including one-cc^y entries) 9 Drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character (including 128 one-copy entries) — 163 Photographs (including 82 one-copy entries) 109 Prints and pictorial Illustrations (including 5 contributions to periodicals and other one-cc^y entries) — - 295 Total -576 11 PRINTS AND DRAWINGS OF WHICH THE SUBSISTING COPYRIGHT HAS BEEN RENEWED UNDER SECTION 23 OF THE ACT OF MARCH 4, 1909 Doench (Eda S.) 1-5 Daisies.

    R 115056, Jan. R 115058, Jan.

    R 115059, Jan. R 115061, Jan. R 115063, Jan. © Gutmann & Gutmann, inc.

    Grimball (Meta M.) ^ 6-9 Pa says if I eat bread an' milk I'll grow up good like him. R 115066, Jan.

    Thinking up an alibi. R 115064, Jan.

    Three generations. R 115068, Jan.

    R 115065, Jan. © Gutmann & Gutmann, inc.

    Gutmann (Bessie Pease) 10-17 Dimples. R 115069, Jan.

    God bless papa & mamma. R 115067, Jan. Happy dreams.

    R 115057, Jan. Message of the roses.

    R 115073, Jan. Mighty like a rose.

    R 115072, Jan. Poverty & riches.

    R 115074, Jan. Smile worth while. R 115071, Jan.

    Sweet innocence. R 115070, Jan. © Gutmann & Gutmann, inc., New York. Gutmann & Gutmann, inc. R 115060, Jan. Stepping stones.

    R 115062, Jan. © Gutmann & Gutmann, inc. 18, 19 Taylor instrument cos. 20-26 Tycos recording pressure gauge chart, no. R 114798, Jan. 14, 1943, nos.

    R 114857, 114859, Jan. Tycos recording thermometer chart, nos. 714, 1011, 1661, 1800. R 114854, 114856, 114855, 114858, Jan.

    © Taylor instriunent cos., Rochester, N. Tower (Constantine Andrew) 27-30 Company's special police or patrolman guard in uniform.

    R 114426, Jan, 12, 1943, Four story building displaying electric wiring protection. R 114428, Jan. Lion and lioness as an emblem for advertising protection of premises. R 114425, Jan.

    Scale in circle of cloud representing Justice. R 114427, Jan. © Coney O'Deil Andrew Tower, Brooklyn.

    12 COMMERCIAL PRINTS Abbott laboratories, North Chicago, III. 697, 698 For pharmaceuticals: This is why I'm buying war bondsl © Feb, 1, 1943; KK 17649. Subversive propaganda. 19, 1943; KK 17578. Acheson colloids corp. Port Huron, Mich. 699 Dag colloidal graphite as a parting compound.

    For colloidal graphite dispersions. 19, 1943; KK 17566. Aeronca aircraft corp., Middletown, O. 700 This is the home of Aeronca. For aircraft. 9, 1943; KK 17406. American cabinet hardware corp., Rockford, 111.

    701, 702 For cabinet hardware: Amerock cabinet hardware. 13, 1943; KK 17607.

    In dinii^ room and kitchen matched en- sembles add to the joy of living. 11, 1941; KK 17606. American cutter & engineering corp., Warren, Mich. For special cutting tools.

    For metal cutting tools. 27, 1942; KK 17550. American steel & wire co. Of New Jersey, Cleve- land.

    704 AISI, SAE and NE standard steels including nearest aeronautical material specifications. 27, 1942; KK 1757' American viscose corp. 705-708 For rayon yarns: Groundword for future sales. 5, 1942; KK 17453. How a scientific hunch corrected two evasive colors! 6, 1943; KK 17454.

    Let's wipe the smiles off these faces. 7, 1942; KK 17329. Our Christmas gift to Hitler. 23, 1942; KK 17548. Armour & co., Chicago. 709, 710 How to save 30 minutes on your next chicken dinner. 24, 1942; KK 17292.

    More deadly for the Axis than T.N.T.l For meat. 30, 1942; KK 17340. Associated distributors, Chicago.

    711-715 For nail polish: Enchantment for your nails, from this precious lacquer. 4, 1942; KK 17555. Enduring lacquer for your nails. 8, 1942; KK 17558. Lasting beauty for your nails.

    2, 1942; KK 17556. Long lasting Chen Yu nail lacquer. 26, 1942; KK 17554.

    Make-up that stays on makes customers that stay with you. 8, 1942; KK 17559. 517091 O - 43 - 3 Austenal laboratories, inc., Chicago.

    716 Mount Rushmore has permanence. For non- precious metal for artificial dentures. 15, 1942; KK 17298. Axton-Fisher tobacco co., inc., Louisville. 717 What goes on here anyway. For cigarettes. 26, 1942; KK 17638.

    Becker (Morris L.) Chicago. 718 Foot appliances must have a sound scientific basis to justify its use. For foot appliances. 14, 1942; KK 17498.

    Bell aircraft corp., Buffalo. 719 Tonight's lesson for Japs, subtracting Zeros. For aircraft. © Jan, 14, 1943; KK 17545.

    Bendix aviation corp. 720, 721 Invisible crew of our bullet belchii^ monsters. For brakes, universal joints, carburetors. © Nov, 18, 1942; KK 17301, Stout-hearted, shot to hell, but heading home. For aircraft magnetos, © Dec, 23, 1942; KK 17300, Bendix -Westinghouse automotive air brake co., Elyria, O. 722 Keep 'em rolling. For air brakes and air oper- ated devices.

    © Sept, 26, 1942; KK 17355. Best & CO., inc., New York. 723-725 Navy wools news now smart far into spring.

    For misses wool dresses. 17, 1943; KK 17567. Stormy Weather fashions exclusive with Best's For coats, jackets, pants, hood, turban, hat gloves, & hose. 24, 1943; KK 17579.

    They really understand me at the Liliputian Bazaar. For infants dresses, sweaters, shirts, sacque, bunting, nightie, blanket & towels. 10, 1943; KK 17371. Beverwyck breweries, inc., Albany.

    ' One aim - victory I For beer. 726 29, 1942; 727-730 Bonwit Teller, inc. For women's apparel: Overtime ulster. 17, 1943; KK 17500. Oxford gray flannel, all wool and yarn-dyed. 10, 1943; KK 17404. Skirt steals the show, Maurice Rentner suit.

    10, 1943; KK 17405. Town brown calf.

    17, 1943; KK 17499. Borden co., Houston. 731-772 America's farmer is a first line fighting man, too.

    For homogenized milk. 1, 1943; KK 17364. For dairy products: At no extra cost, a full day's supply of vitamin D in every quart. 1, 1942; KK 17431. But Elmer, you can't get a bomber with Borden's evaporated milk coupons. 13, 1942; KK 17412. 13 CATALOG OF COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 773 pt.

    38 Don't be silly, Liederkranz Is as American as apple pie. 8, 1942; KK 17432. Here's a slogan that'll bring 'em inl © Nov.

    14, 1942; KK 17328. Pack a lunch a man can work on.

    8, 1942; KK 17436. For dairy products and mince meat: George always flies home when he hears we're having mince pie. 20, 1942; KK 17426. It's mince pie time, make 'em with Borden's wonderful None Such mince meat. 19, 1942; KK 17275. For evaporated milk: Come on over to my house and we'll split a can of Borden's evaporated milk between us. 30, 1942; KK 17415.

    Don't give me that kootchie kootchie stuff. 18, 1942; KK 17423. Folks, meet the winners in Elsie's recipe roundup. 25, 1942; KK 17429. Frankly, Doc. I like a little more Borden's evaporated milk to my formula. 11, 1942; KK 17420.

    I'm having an old hospital chum for dinner. 24, 1942; KK 17427. I had to do it. Mother was always tapping my Borden's evaporated milk for her cookingi © Nov. 20, 1942; KK 17425.

    I wish they'd shut off the mush talk. 3, 1942; KK 17416. It's this way, Judge. She's always stealing my Borden's evaporated milk for her cooking.

    13, 1942; KK 17422. Might as well weigh the Borden's evaporated milk with me. 1, 1942; KK 17430. No, you can't have a drop of my Borden's evaporated milk for your coffee.

    12, 1942; KK 17421. Oh, I never let him borrow my Borden's evaporated milk unless he lets me play with his watch.

    10, 1942; KK 17419. There's entirely too much of my Borden's evaporated milk going into the cooking. 20, 1942; KK 17413. This wonderful new folder is saving me a tidy sum on food bills. 8, 1942; KK 17435.

    Want to try something special. 25, 1942; KK 17428.

    You gotta watch out your mother doesn't use up all your Borden's evaporated in her cooking. 3, 1942; KK 17417. You won't get any of this for your mashed potatoes. 23, 1942; KK 17414. For fluid milk: And so we call it the children's milkl © Nov.

    23, 1942; KK 1729. Children had it coming to them. 12, 1942; KK 17273. Borden's approved homogenized vitamin D milk is now sold through stores. 7, 1942; KK 17433. My everyday wish for children.

    21, 1942; KK 17438. No wonder we call It the children's milkl © Nov. 16, 1942; KK 17278. We kiddies need lots of vitamin D. 9, 1942; KK 17276. Wondrous story of the children's milk. 7, 1942; KK 17434.

    For ice cream: But what's a war without shortages. 11, 1942; KK 17437.

    Four star specials with Borden's ice cream. 5, 1942; KK 17489. For milk and cream: It's newl It's grand for coffee, cereals, fruits. 30, 1942; KK 17271. It's the new thing for coffee, cereals, fruits! 19, 1942; KK 17274. For mince meat: George always flies home the minute he hears we're having mince pie.

    11, 1942; KK 17280. It appeared the day I made a mince pie with with Borden's None Such. 30, 1942; KK 17277. Wouldn't it be a lot simpler just to make him a mince pie. 20, 1942; KK 17424. For vitamin fortified drink:.

    Here's where you win, sir, 6 1/2 to 1. © June 14, 1942; KK 17326.

    Boyt Secure Vault 33013 Manual Transfer

    Try it, yourself, Borden's daily double! © June 9, 1942; KK 17327. Have you tried Borden's daily double?

    For milk and vitamin fortified drink preparation. 15, 1942; KK 17488. Here she comes, whispered the manager.

    5, 1942; KK 17418. Borg-Warner corp. Norge div., Detroit. 773-775 For household appliances: Keep your war bonds in this free budget port- folio. 20, 1942; KK 17461. Keep your war bonds in this free budget port- folio. 9, 1942; KK 17408.

    Norge dealers here is your timely, patriotic sales after victory program. 14, 1942; KK 17409. Brooks (Marguerite G.) New York. 776 Lacette loom.

    For bobbin lace loom with some materials for assembling. 2, 1942; KK 17514. California fruit growers exchange, Los Alleles. 777-783 For lemons: For health, avoid harsh laxatives, LA -3422. 1, 1943; KK 17484. Got a cold, LA-3441-A. 3, 1943; KK 17482.

    What to do for a cold, LA-3440-A. 27, 1942; KK 17487. For oranges: California sends you the high-vitamin orange juice, LA-3404. 16, 1942; KK 17486. Give them the high-vitamin orange juice, LA-3428. 25, 1942; KK 17332. He: Juice oranges, LA-3402.

    © Deci 20, 1942; KK 17485. We want the high-vitamin orange juice, LA- 3405. 3, 1943; KK 17483.

    Carter coal CO., New York. 784 Elephant and the donkey are symbols of freedom. For Pocahontas coal. 17, 1942; KK 17272. Castle films, inc.

    785 Here's the Castle film every projector owner has been waiting for. For home movies. 31, 1942; KK 17452. Co., EUdn, N. 786 Mad method, Mrs. For blankets.

    10, 1942; KK 17525. 14 COMMERCIAL PRINTS no. 1, 1943 852 Cherry-Burrell Corp., Chicago. 787 Buy bonds from our government, buy supplies from Cherry-Burrell.

    Boyt Secure Vault 33013 Manual Transfer Case

    Cherry-Burrell corporation 1943 calendar. For dairy products. 25, 1942; KK 17458. Chesebrough mfg. Co., cons'd., New York.

    788, 789 For hair tonic: Didn't know my hair could look so good until I checked dry scalp. © July 28, 1942; KK 17341. Want your hair to look better? 25, 1942; KK 17342.

    Chicago coal merchants assn., Chicago. 790-792 For coal: Coal is available.

    28, 1942; KK 17672. Key to your fuel problems.

    27, 1942; KK 17573. Thank you, Chicago coal users. 18, 1943; KK 17571. Clark (Robert H.) CO., Los Angeles.

    793 Clark three blade adjustable hole cutter. For three blade adjustable hole cutter.

    9, 1942; KK 17466. Coca-cola co., Wilmington, Del. 794-804 For soft drink: Ask the Flying Tiger from China. 16, 1943; KK 17596. Waitress and five sailors. 2, 1943; KK 17468. It's as easy as dividing by 6, cases of Coca- cola and calendar.

    5, 1943; KK 17597. Of course there'll always be a Santa Claus, Coca-cola salesman. 2, 1942; KK 17291. For soft drink. That extra something: Coast guardsman.

    9,1942; KK 17285. Fireman sliding down pole.

    30, 1942; KK 17496. Housewife cooking. 28, 1942; KK 17358. Man air raid warden. 25, 1942; KK 17359.

    25, 1942; KK 17497. RetaU grocer. 2, 1942; KK 17284. Firefighter in asbestos suit.

    16, 1942; KK 17286. Columbia pictures Corp., New York. 805, 806 For stills, posters, window cards, lobby display cards, slides er-fine products, inc., Atlanta.

    983 Make mine De-lux cola. For an unalcoholic beverage. 15, 1942; KK 17491. / Sylvania electric products, inc.

    984 Simplified installation and maintenance, with Sylvania' s patented Captive Latch. For fluorescent fixture. 5, 1943; KK 17530. Tivoli brewing co., Detroit. 985, 986 For beer: I'd pop vtp anytime for Altes lager beer. 22, 1942; KK 17336.

    New double-iQ) habit goes over big. 1, 1942; KK 17299. Toastmaster products dlv. Gee McGraw electric CO. Toastmaster products dlv.

    Two-Timer, inc., Chicago. 987, 988 For ladies' coats: Two Timer, the coat that leads a double life. 30, 1942; KK 17288. Two Timer, the coat that leads a double life. 27, 1942; KK 17287.

    United feature syndicate, inc. 989 Li'l Abner, wake up Daisy Mae! For wheat breakfast food.

    25, 1942; KK 17598. United States tobacco co. 990-992 For tobacco: Get goin' steady.

    18, 1942; KK 17481. If you want to meet a smooth one. 8, 1943; KK 17479. Never made a pipe slug-nutty. 4, 1942; KK 17480. Vanity corset co., inc.

    993-995 For corsets: Salute to America's women soldiers. 1, 1942; KK 17516. Skippers in skirts. 1, 1942; KK 17515.

    Tribute to American womanhood. 1, 1942; KK 17517. Villa (Ben) New York. 996 Treasure chest of fine cheese. 25, 1942; KK 17553. Vivaudou (Jean) co., inc.

    997 Orloff presents act H. For toilet preparations. 24, 1942; KK 17354. Walton rice mills, inc., Stuttgart, Ark.

    998 Breaking into the news in a big way. © Jan, 7, 1943; KK 17473. Warp (Harold) Chicago. 999 Warp's transparent plastic screen. For plastic screen. 20, 1943; KK 17650.

    Weco products co., Chicago. 1000, 1001 ' For liquid dentifrice: Like a beauty treatment for your teeth. 6, 1942; KK 17346.

    New formula for beauty 1 © Nov, 20, 1S42; KK 17347. Westinghouse electric & mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. 1002 Cuts cooling costs 78 7c, saves $81 in six months. For refrigerating apparatus. © May 24, 1941; KK 17644.

    19 CATALOG OF COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 1003 pt. 38 Whitman (Stephen F.) & son, inc., Philadelphia. 1003-1015 For confectionery: Does a woman like to be remembered? © July 29, 1942; KK 17626. Donalds have the nicest way of saying, happy Easter. 27, 1942; KK 17617.

    Give her your best this Valentine's day. 11, 1942; KK 17619. He's a right nice young man, Sally. 14, 1942; KK 17620.

    How to put that lovelight in her eyes. 21, 1942; KK 17623. It wouldn't be Christmas without the Sampler. 16, 1942; KK 17621. Jim says, me, I don't know much about woinenl © July 1, 1942; KK 17514.

    Love story, one hundred years old. 23, 1942; KK 17624. Make it a moment to live in her memory.

    18, 1942; KK 17622. Put yourself in his place.


    26, 1942; KK 17625. Reward, for a man who rememberedl© Mar. 11, 1942; KK 17618. 1, for bridegrooms. © June 3, 1942; KK 17615.

    There's no hurt like forgetting. © May 6, 1942; KK 17616. Wickwire Spencer steel co.

    1016 Servant of freedom. For concrete and wire prod- ucts. 28, 1943; KK 17647. Wimbledon shirt co., Chicago. 1017 America's finest sport shirts. 26, 1942; KK 17604. Yeomans bros., co., Chicago.

    1018 Drain-dri electrically automatic rust-proof, trouble-proof by Yeomans. For automatic electric Cellar drainers.

    6, 1942; KK 17645. Number of entries of Commercial Prints included in the Catalog since Jan. 1, 1943 322 20 LABELS American art service, Chicago. 1019 Keep 'em smlUn'. Humorous stationery packet. For packet of envelopes and letterheads. 17, 1942; KK 17365.

    American wine co., St. 1020-1032 For champagne: Cook's Imperial American champagne brut. 29, 1942; KK 17315. Cook's Imperial American champagne, extra dry. 29, 1942; KK 17314. Cook's Imperial American sparkling burgun- dy.

    29, 1942; KK 17313. For wine: Cook's Imperial American Burgundy wine. 29, 1942; KK 17319. Cook's Imperial American Chablls wine. 29, 1942; KK 17317.

    Cook's Imperial American claret wine. 29, 1942; KK 17320.

    Cook's Imperial American dry muscat wine. 29, 1942; KK 17324. Cook's Imperial America^ muscatel wine.

    29, 1942; KK 17323. Cook's Imperial American port wine. 29, 1942; KK 17322. Cook's Imperial American Rhine wine. 29, 1942; KK 17321. Cook's Imperial American Sauternes wine.

    1942; KK 17316. Cook's Imperial American sherry wine, pale and dry. 29, 1942; KK 17325. Cook's Imperial American Tokey wine. 29, 1942; KK 17318. Boiler's beverages, inc., Elizabeth, N. 1033-1042 For carbonated beverage: Boiler amber ginger ale.

    © July 20, 1942; KK 17638. Boiler birch beer. © July 20, 1942; KK 17636. Boiler club soda sparkling water.

    © July 20, 1942; KK 17643. Boiler cream soda. © July 20, 1942; KK 17642. Boiler lemon sparkling beverage. © July 20, 1942; KK 17634. Boiler lime rlckey sparkling beverage.

    © July 20, 1942; KK 17640. Boiler orange sparkling beverage. © July 20, 1942; KK 17639.

    Boiler pale dry ginger ale. © July 20, 1942; KK 17635. Boiler raspberry sparkling beverages. © July 20, 1942; KK 17637. Boiler wild cherry sparkling beverage. © July 20, 1942; KK 17641.

    1043 Mull-soy emulsified food. For emulsified food for infants, children and adults.

    16, 1942; KK 17509. Bug Feast distributor. See Fanders (Dlcl^ d. Bug Feast distributor. Butereg co., inc., Kansas City, Mo. 1044 Butereg bread.

    17, 1942; KK 17646. Cobb canning co., Cobb, Wis.

    1045 Spring Green. For canned peas. 26, 1942; KK 17311. Cosmetics research Corp., d.b.s. Don Leslie, New York. 1046 College Club. 15, 1942; KK 17490.

    Dental products Corp., Manhelm, Pa. 1047 Denturfit. For cushion denture liner. 25, 1943; KK 17590.

    Diamond state brewery, inc., Wilmington, Del. 1048 Stoeckle select beer. 24, 1942; KK 17565. Economics laboratory. For compound for wall washing, paint cleaning and general use. 3, 1941; KK 17546.

    Edelman (George) co. 1050 Cel-tex cap net. For rayon hair net used over the hair. 13, 1943; KK 17534. Fanders (Dlcl^ d. Bug Feast distributor, Beatrice, Neb. 1051 Bug Feast.

    For bug exterminator. 4, 1942; KK 17524. Fast (Vl'illiam A.) Kansas City, Mo. 1052 No-mo-gray. For liquid hair restorer. 14, 1942; KK 17512. Grad products CO., Canton, O.

    1053 Grad inhalant. For inhalant solution. 10, 1941; KK 17373.

    Gray (James) inc., New York.1054 Round trips. 15, 1942; KK 17360. Harper (Ida Johanna Jean Smith) St. 1055 Tiny dreams. For stationery.

    3, 1942; KK 17552. Harrison co., inc.

    Union City, Ind. 1056 Commando. 10, 1942; KK 17532. Hawley & Hoops, New York. 1057 Scotch mints.

    © July 21, 1942; KK 17372. Holsum products. See Jewett & Sherman co. Holsum products. Jewett & Sherman co., d.b.a. Holsum products, Milwaukee.

    1058 Jah-vah. For cereal beverage substitute for coffee. 13, 1942; KK 17333. 21 CATALOG OF COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 1059 pt.

    38 Lartz (George Frederick) Suring, Wis. 1059 Victory photo corners. For photogrs^h mount- ing corners. 21, 1942; KK 17570. Leppke (Louis A.) d.

    Western glass co., Omaha. 1060 Lap lunch set. For- glassware. 15, 1942; KK 17549. Leslie (Don) See Cosmetics research corp.

    Uebert & Obert, Philadelphia. 1061 Namar premium beer. 19, 1943; KK 17589. Live food products co., Burbank, CaUf.

    1062 Bragg soya shred so ^) mix. For soup mix. 25, 1942; KK 17474. Manbeck bread co., Hagerstown, Md.

    1063 Manbeck's Bonnie bread. 17, 1942; KK 17362.

    Menasha products co., Menasha, Wis. 1063 Menasha Ice cream. For Ice cream. 18, 1942; KK 17283. Milwaukee lace paper co., Milwaukee. 1065 Milapaco handy pack paper doilies, 150 eight Inch dollies. For lace paper dollies and place mats.

    28, 1942; KK 17356. New method lecture service, Washington.

    1066 Pathway system. For a published lecture. 20, 1942; KK 17543.

    Paint-point products co., inc., Brooklyn. For floor finish. 18, 1942; KK 17S33. Penlck b Ford, ltd., inc.

    1068 Penlck crystal white syriq). For corn sjrvp. 11, 1943; KK 17439. Peper (Christian) tobacco co., St. For smoking tobacco. 7, 1942; KK 17312. Pettingell & Fenton, inc., New York.

    1070 Cohama Flor-allies. 13, 1943; KK 17455. Pfeiffer (S.) mfg. 1071, 1072 For vitamin capsules: Pfelffer's 4 vitamins. 28, 1942; KK 17628. Pfelffer's vitamin and capsules.

    28, 1942; KK 17629. Plas-ti-fibre corp., Chicago. 1073 Plas-tl-pad. For cleaning and scouring pads. 9, 1942; KK 17366. W.) Roanoke, Va. 1074 Powell's regenerator.

    For medicine. 5, 1942; KK 17519.

    Process solvent co., Kansas City, Kan. Boyer's Sure Klean.

    For soluble oil rust inhibitor. 1, 1942; KK 17478. Protector products, inc. 1076 Protector nail plastic. For nail polish. 15, 1942; KK 17363. CO., inc., Chicago.

    1077 Foot Wings by Dr. For arch stupor ts. 2, 1942, KK 17544. Seidel (Ad.) & son, Chicago. 1078 Hon-cre cake mix.

    For cake mix. 10, 1942; KK 17523. Southland canning & packing co., inc. 1079 Magnolia brand shrimp.

    For canned shrimp. 15, 1942; KK 17529. Standard brands inc., New York. For cereal beverage. 24, 1942; KK 17581.

    Sim Gold canning co., Tampa, Fla. 1081 Garden Gold. For gr^efruit juice. 17, 1942; KK 17266. Toedtman (Frederick Casper) Cleveland.

    1082 Toedtman's honeypepper. For compound cough syriQ). 11, 1943; KK 17407. Van Camp sea food co., inc. Terminal Island, Calif.

    1083 Van Camp's California Tin-^a brand. For canned pilchards. 2, 1942; KK 17633. Western glass co. See Leppke (Louis A.) d. Western glass co.

    Number of entries of Labels Included in the Catalog since Jan. 1, 1943- 65 22 LABELS OF WHICH THE SUBSISTING COPYRIGHT HAS BEEN RENEWED UNDER SECTION 4 OF THE ACT OF JULY 31, 1939 1083 Cole (Ma4ge G.) 1 Cole's Eurekol.

    For medicinal preparation. Cole, Youngstown, O. 26, 1943 Toedtman (Frederick Casper) 2 Toedtman's Honeypepper.


    Containing Class G, Works of art (giving a list of the photographs or other identifying reproductions, deposited according to law with the applications for copyright of Drawings, Paintings, Statues, Statuary, and Models or Designs for works of art). In this class a subalphabet of titles is used when the copyright pro- prietor and artist are the same, this identity being indicated by the use of an asterisk (.) after the name of the proprietor A subalphabet of artists is used when the proprietor and artists are different. Containing titles for Class H, Reproductions of a work of art; Class I, Drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character; Class J, Photographs (except Motion pictures); and Class K, Prints and pictorial illustrations. In these classes a subalphabet of artists and titles is also used. Part 4 also contains in two separate alphabets of proprietors, the titles of commercial prints and labels. These will be found at the end of each issue. A list of copyright renewals will be found at the end of each alphabet of proprietors.

    To save space in the Catalog, the copyright notice after each title is abbreviated. The abbreviations used in this part are as follows: 'G,' Class G, Works of art; 'H,' Class H, Reproductions of a work of art; 'l,' Class I, Drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character; 'j,' Class J, Photo- graphs; and 'K,' Class K, Prints and pictorial illustrations, including prints and labels used for articles of merchandise. '©' implies copyright registration of a published work, followed by date of publication. Stands for copyright registration of an unpublished work, followed by date of receipt in the Copy- right Office of the photograph or other identifying reproduction.

    The annual index contains the names of all proprietors. The Act of March 4, 1909, in effect from July 1, 1909, provides that the Catalog of Copyright Entries 'shall be admitted in any court as prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein as regards any copyright registration.' The subscription price for Part 4, which must be for the complete calendar year, is $2.00, payable in advance to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, by postal money order, egress order, or New York draft.

Designed by Tistory.